Ready to have a stronger core?
Complete Core. A 60 day programme designed to help you have a stronger core, reduce back pain and achieve exercises you thought impossible.
Does this sound familiar? You are:
👉Getting back pain with your core workouts.
👉Feeling unmotivated from not getting the results you want.
👉Struggling to commit to regular workouts.
👉Desperate to have a stronger and leaner stomach but don't know how to get there.
Now imagine if you...
👉Could do core workouts without back pain.
👉Feeling motivated to keep going from the results you've got so far.
👉Had the tools to get stronger and leaner.
👉Commiting to weekly workouts and seeing the results.
What does Complete Core include?
Complete Core. A 60 day programme designed to help you have a stronger core, eliminate back pain and achieve exercises you thought impossible.
- 60 day video-based programme: Allowing you time to get stronger and achieve the goals you set out.
- On demand workouts: You have access to a library of real-time videos, meaning we workout together when the time works for you.
Support to keep you going: You will have access to my private Facebook community to keep you motivated along the way.
Complete Core Preview
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Who is this programme designed for?
A: Anyone feeling frustrated with their current core workouts.
Q: Will I be able to ask a question?
A: This programme will include a Facebook group for you to ask questions.
Q: How long will I have access to the course?
A: You will have lifetime access!
Q: Is this course suitable for postnatal women?
A: Providing you are over six weeks postnatal, then you can take this programme. Take it slowly and repeat phases if you need to.
Q. Will you get a flat stomach from this programme?
A. To achieve a very flat stomach and visible muscles you have to have lower body fat, which is where nutrition and lifestyle factors play a large part. You can still get stronger and fitter without having abs, and a very flat stomach does not determine how healthy you are. So you might find you body changes over this programme or maybe not, either way there is no limit to your performance based goals.
Q: Is this a one time payment or monthly fee?
A: Just the one payment!